Separate groups: All participants

Main concepts
Culture, commerce and economically accessible digital libraries

Libraries and archives take care of the upkeep of and access to various information resources.

With the increasing importance and acceptance of digital library a rift has come into existence between libraries and economics. Libraries need a big investment for their digitisation program, but public sources of financement are declining. Information providers and also new library competitors are investing in digital library services for giving access to users for profit.

Digital libraries have the problem of maintaining free access to information for all, while finding sources of financement for the development and sustainability of their services. Various stages of this challenging change are visible throughout Europe (for instance Italy, Spain and Great Britain) and the rest of the world.

Assignment questions

What is the status of digital library programme by observing the various library and archive systems of Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan?

The purpose of this Group discussion and subsequent presentation is to make a start with a description of the various national situations and an exploration of potential scenarios for a unified approach for the development of digital libraries.

To do this assignment, consider the following questions and compare the answers with what you have learned:

1. What digital libraries/collection programs are running in your countries?

2. What are the aims and objectives?
3. How does it respond to users’ needs?
Available from: Monday, 5 July 2010, 12:30 PM
Due date: Sunday, 18 July 2010, 2:00 PM